Five Nigerians Emerge As Richest Pastors In Africa - Forbes

Africans view the wealth of men of God from different perspectives. While some think there’s nothing bad living a good life filled with abun...

Africans view the wealth of men of God from different perspectives. While some think there’s nothing bad living a good life filled with abundant wealth, others believe men of God are just supposed have enough, and that their calling doesn't require luxury spending.

Whichever way you choose to look at this, everyone has a right to their opinion.
Here are the five pastors Forbes think are the richest in Africa.
1. Bishop David Oyedepo

Affiliation: Living Faith World Outreach Ministry, aka Winners Chapel

Estimated net worth: $150 million

David Oyedepo is Nigeria’s wealthiest preacher. Ever since he founded the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry in 1981, it has grown to become one of Africa’s largest congregations. The Faith Tabernacle, where he hosts three services every Sunday, is Africa’s largest worship center, with a seating capacity of 50,000. Oyedepo owns four private jets and homes in London and the United States. He also owns Dominion Publishing House, a thriving publishing company that publishes all his books (which are often centered on prosperity). He founded and owns Covenant University, one of Nigeria’s leading tertiary institutions, and Faith Academy, an elite high school. 
2. Chris Oyakhilome

Church: Believers’ Loveworld Ministries, a.k.a Christ Embassy

Estimated net worth: $30 million – $50 million

Last year, the charismatic preacher was at the center of a $35 million money laundering case in which he was accused of siphoning funds from his church to foreign banks. Pastor Chris pleaded no wrongdoing and the case was eventually dismissed. His church, Christ Embassy, boasts more than 40,000 members, several of whom are successful business executives and politicians. Oyakhilome’s diversified interests include newspapers, magazines, a local television station, a record label, satellite TV, hotels and extensive real estate. His Loveworld TV Network is the first Christian network to broadcast from Africa to the rest of the world on a 24 hour basis.
3. Temitope Joshua

Church: Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

Estimated net worth: $10 million – $15 million

Nigeria’s most controversial clergyman is also one of its richest and most philanthropic. T.B Joshua heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987, which accommodates over 15,000 worshippers on Sundays. The Pastor has remained controversial for several years for his inexplicable powers to heal all sorts of incurable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, cancer and paralysis. For miracle-craving worshippers, it’s the perfect seduction. The church currently has branches in Ghana, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Greece. In the past three years, he has given over $20 million to causes in education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs for former Niger Delta militants. He owns Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network, and is close friends with Ghanaian President Atta Mills.
4. Matthew Ashimolowo

Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC)

Estimated net worth: $6 million – $10 million

In 1992, Foursquare Gospel Church, a Nigerian church, sent Ashimolowo to open a satellite branch in London. But Pastor Matthew had other ideas and decided to set up his own church instead. Today, his Kingsway International Christian Center is reportedly the largest Pentecostal church in the United Kingdom. In 2009, the church posted profits of close to $10 million and assets worth $40 million. Ashimolowo earns an annual salary of $200,000, but his real wealth comes from varied business interests including his media company, Matthew Ashimolowo media, which churns out Christian literature and documentaries. Ashimolowo’s representatives did not respond to a request confirming his net worth and ownership of all these assets.
5. Chris Okotie

Church: Household of God Church

Net worth: $3 million -$10 million

Pastor Okotie made his first success as a popular pop musician in the 80s. He found the light, embraced the bible and set up the Household of God Church, one of Nigeria’s most flamboyant congregations. His 5,000 member church consists predominantly of Nollywood celebrities, musicians, and society people. He contested and lost Nigerian presidential elections for the third time this year under the Fresh Party, a political party he founded and funds. An automobile lover, he owns a Mercedes S600, Hummer and Porsche among several others.

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  1. All the mumu worshipers will not comment now just because of the capitalist oriented cliche "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm" I weep for all of you and pray you see the light one day

    1. Mr man u nd ur head checked is it a sin for men of God to be rich we r talking abt 5 out of millions. dis men r serving a rich & wealthy God d owner of heaven & earth what do u expect of his men?

    2. No mind am, dem no dey do beter thing 4 dier family as dem b agents of satan. May all of you b cast out in to d lake of fire, IJN. Ameeen

  2. By there fruits you shall know them.

  3. The end will justify.I pity the innocent followers.

  4. Na wa ooo.our seed is speaking!

  5. What you seek is what you get, Dont blem the innocent desperate worshipers, blem the the government for not creating the enable enviroment, because if things were working no body will be hungry upto the extent of being desperate for materialsm.

  6. No wonder, that's why Paul spoke n said, "the message of the cross is foolishness 2 those that don't believe!"Please n please just allow men of God to portray His glory! We that are part of their shepherdhood validate the impact of God in our lives via there ministrations.

  7. By their fruits u shall know them indeed. U go try being a pastor 4 five years and see how well u do.Apart from being professionals in various fields of endeavor, they put in good Godly time on shepherding the flock of God n they get rewarded accordingly even if its by way of blessing your ministers,so , go get employed!

  8. And Solomon was the richest man who ever lived.

    Jesus Christ and his disciples may have chosen to ignore materialism.

    But he clearly left the instructions for anyone who wishes to enjoy material prosperity AS WELL AS spiritual prosperity.

    Let us not condemn our pastors because they are human and have decided to be rich.

    If we must condemn, let us condemn those who love not their brother (and sister) as they love themselves.

    It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of the needle, than to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, BUT with God all things are possible.

  9. I am proud of dem nd may God continue to bless nd increase dem. Who e pain make e go die

  10. It's amazing how the facts have been presented. I will defend my pastor. We have tv and Internet ministries ie. we own our own satellites and our inner city missions to the poor is going strong. Nobody is talking about how many people have been enriched since joining Christ Embassy and we are not 40,000. Check your facts, in port harcourt alone we are more than that.

    1. Why all commentators have hiden their ID if they are doing good. Please shpow your faces next time

  11. You don't have correct fact, Living faith holds four services in Canaan land Otta every Sunday. And I am sure my Bishop is worth more than $150m dollars. If he is not servicing a living and wealthy God he will not see prosperity. I advice you keep quite in order not to invite anger of God upon yourself.



  14. point of correction. These are among the richest pastors in the world, not just Africa and I'm so proud of them.

  15. It is quiet clear that many of you have not read this here ->

  16. TB joshua does not set up businesses like Oyedepo,,,if not he would have been number one...
    Oyedepo does not put money into where there is no profit.....

  17. well, no problem. No one should be busy accusing another. We should all face our life and thank God for everything

  18. Pls dont judge, so that you wouldn't be judged. Besides, it's only GOD that know who is serving HIM truly. So, my lovely commentators dont forget that; our God is a LIVING GOD which can do more than our IMAGINATIONS.

  19. I don't belong to any of these churches but I must commend the effort of Prophet TB Joshua. He heals d sick n empowers so many jobless youths other pastors who are richer or as rich as he is should emulate him.

  20. Mumu pple. Ow many jets nd properties does Jesus Christ that died for our sins had? End time Pastors wit their wives. Think nd b wise.

  21. I tank una For d gud gud and mumu mumu tins wey una don tok. But y odas go call God name and insult pipu folo am again na?

  22. I wonder why E.A Adeboye is not among them.

  23. So imagine a Man of God came to church with reeched shoes and cloth and asked U 2 gv Ur lyf to Christ. Tell m what wil b Ur respond. W serv God dt hz things in an aboundant. And pls in Ur nxt post is beta U talk abt d richest membership. My Bishop David O. Oyedepo ds is d beginning of Ur wealth. I pray 4 dsame auction 2 function abide in me immediately. Amen

  24. Christians meaning Christ-like. Early christians portray this well. A sort of self-less living. Today's christianity have become d tool of d capitalist's vampires. In dis spacio-temporal world wot can man offer in exchange for his life. Chasing shadows vanity upon vanity. CONTENTMENT is d word.

  25. With sentiments u,ll not be able to use ur sense wisely pls today forget about whatever hatred u might have for islam or muslims which u have d right to at least in nigeria contex u were born a christain.pls pick a copy of qur,an today read it nd then pass jugdement thereafter tks@16.04

  26. Africa mentality must show most in nigeria bcos of porverty. n everybody is lukin 4 d wealthy.and the more the member of church, the more the richness of the pastor.what re u talking about??in nigeria pastor dey rich,members dey poor more so he be 4 isreal where christainity come from ?? that is nigeria 4 u. Everything na packagin. They package untruethful. Nigerian go soon open ayes.

  27. Africa mentality must show most in nigeria bcos of porverty. n everybody is lukin 4 d wealthy.and the more the member of church, the more the richness of the pastor.what re u talking about??in nigeria pastor dey rich,members dey poor more so he be 4 isreal where christainity come from ?? that is nigeria 4 u. Everything na packagin. They package untruethful. Nigerian go soon open ayes.

  28. It's unfortunate corruption in Nigeria is inversely proportional to the level of spiritual attainment. The clergyman is more ambitious than the 419 on the streets.

  29. We all say we wanna be like Jesus, hallelujah! But Jesus never owned a house neither did he own a horse, he only borrowed...our men of God are just too greedy.

  30. Mathew 23 vs 23 go ye all nations is the command but now GO AND TAKE ALL THEIR MONEY AND BUY JETS

  31. Godliness with contentment is great gain.For we brought nothing into dis world and definitely we shall take nothing out-1Tim.6:6-7.It is well.JESUS CHRIST,SAVE OUR SOULS.


  33. please stop misleading the ignorant and frustrated ones because they are desperate

  34. Can the son of queen elizabeth ever b poor?so are the true men of God...y disturb your self

  35. To me those pastors ar simply greedy nd dubious. De ones dat hav universities vowed never to make it affodable even to their own members. I strongly belive dat de end will justfy de means.

  36. Wonders shall never end. But the holy bible said lay all ur treasures in heaven and not on planet earth. I pity dos so called brainwashd believers.

  37. Is only God dat knws who serve him, churches now owns d highest paid uni in naija dat dere members can not even afford and is only 4 d looters and bad leaders [politicians] who ar misleading dis country, and dey claim dey ar worshipping God, hmmm

  38. God will Help them utilized the resource in their care to His Glory Amen, please nobody should judge them regard let pray for them and ourselves. thanks

  39. When a person dedicates his time,money and energy to serve God,truly he will reap the fruit of his labour.

  40. Let God be the Jugde

  41. God know best. We won't gurdge them.The end justify the means.B4 chief Adebowale died ,He went round his properties(24 houses) in choice area of lagos,GRA ikeja,ikoyi,allen,banana island etc,he loooked at them all and he shook his head,few months later he died.He didn't go with anything.Let's see how they will take them to heaven.Million of pple r homeless,hunger everywhr,let them use the money to help the pple beside na pples money

  42. God know best. We won't gurdge them.The end justify the means.B4 chief Adebowale died ,He went round his properties(24 houses) in choice area of lagos,GRA ikeja,ikoyi,allen,banana island etc,he loooked at them all and he shook his head,few months later he died.He didn't go with anything.Let's see how they will take them to heaven.Million of pple r homeless,hunger everywhr,let them use the money to help the pple beside na pples money

  43. And to "The Anonymous" who is wondering why Pastor E.A Adeboye is not among the list.... simple and the fact present itself.... pastor Adeboye preaches Holiness and so, by all standards, he is an example.
    RCCG as an entity is similar to USA, Where the country is so rich and leaders are jes tools in the hand of the government, with every of their needs carefully provided for, in getting them to work for their govt. little wonder when US Govt officials is involved in flambouyant or excessive spending display, its becomes a problem. in same light, that is almost how RCCG is runned.
    RCCG As an entity is one of the richest church in the world, the wealth is not stationed on the spiritual leader but the church itself. If Adeboye steps down today, I so doubt if in his account, there'll be up to one hundred million naira. it shows in the life style of the man. I know the one whom is leading me, just like I can describe Goodluck Jonathan who is my ccurrent president and other past Nigerian presidents.
    Caution should be taken however, I am not judging anyone....far from it and being a Christian don't mean u will be compelled to given monies at services. give according to how ur spirit leads. u can do without giving at church services. YES!!!!!!!.....I am yet to see a section of Nigerian law where u will be arrested for not giving at church service. there are times I weigh the weight of my pocket and the time frame if I will be able to come up with such money b4 supporting any church project, even if its N100 only. it is not lack of faith, buh "wisdom"....if the bible I believe in tells me to be wise and obtain knowledge, then no one can force me otherwise. so it should be from ur ability, conscience and opinion u use in serving God. I respect other people's religion, and that's why I love the Muslims, I'm sure they are so not keened on offering and all. they Jesus go to receive their teachings and prayer and once in a while if there's need to donate towards a meaningful course, they myt suggest it to the members at the mosque, and they won't force u.
    of this 5 pastors, I personally love TB Joshua. if u ask "why"..... go over and over and read this man's profile by Forbes again. being rich and enriching/touching lives around u makes the difference. I never worshipped in synagogue church of all nations ever b4, even when I had opportunities to pass thru there as I have a relative living in that axis....
    the bottom line is.... the truth has got a loud mouth, which means it speaks for itself.

  44. And to "The Anonymous" who is wondering why Pastor E.A Adeboye is not among the list.... simple and the fact present itself.... pastor Adeboye preaches Holiness and so, by all standards, he is an example.
    RCCG as an entity is similar to USA, Where the country is so rich and leaders are jes tools in the hand of the government, with every of their needs carefully provided for, in getting them to work for their govt. little wonder when US Govt officials is involved in flambouyant or excessive spending display, its becomes a problem. in same light, that is almost how RCCG is runned.
    RCCG As an entity is one of the richest church in the world, the wealth is not stationed on the spiritual leader but the church itself. If Adeboye steps down today, I so doubt if in his account, there'll be up to one hundred million naira. it shows in the life style of the man. I know the one whom is leading me, just like I can describe Goodluck Jonathan who is my ccurrent president and other past Nigerian presidents.
    Caution should be taken however, I am not judging anyone....far from it and being a Christian don't mean u will be compelled to given monies at services. give according to how ur spirit leads. u can do without giving at church services. YES!!!!!!!.....I am yet to see a section of Nigerian law where u will be arrested for not giving at church service. there are times I weigh the weight of my pocket and the time frame if I will be able to come up with such money b4 supporting any church project, even if its N100 only. it is not lack of faith, buh "wisdom"....if the bible I believe in tells me to be wise and obtain knowledge, then no one can force me otherwise. so it should be from ur ability, conscience and opinion u use in serving God. I respect other people's religion, and that's why I love the Muslims, I'm sure they are so not keened on offering and all. they Jesus go to receive their teachings and prayer and once in a while if there's need to donate towards a meaningful course, they myt suggest it to the members at the mosque, and they won't force u.
    of this 5 pastors, I personally love TB Joshua. if u ask "why"..... go over and over and read this man's profile by Forbes again. being rich and enriching/touching lives around u makes the difference. I never worshipped in synagogue church of all nations ever b4, even when I had opportunities to pass thru there as I have a relative living in that axis....
    the bottom line is.... the truth has got a loud mouth, which means it speaks for itself.

  45. Deutronomy 8: 18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore ...

    Another version says :But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto you.

    Dear brothers and sisters God made the world so you will be comfortable and rich, he never desires you to be poor, but he will meet you at the point of your works because working is one of the channels of blessings isaiah 3:10 says: Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him, also Look at Jacob in the bible God gave him a divinely inspired idea via a dream and he got more cattle than his father inlaw. When you serve God he will give you ideas, visions and dreams to direct your step he will even speak to you and lead you and definitely make you wealthy.

    The psalmist said in Psalms 118: 20 Save now, we beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, we beseech thee, send now prosperity.

    It is your right to be prosperous but the bible says And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations: isaiah 25:7

    Satan the devil has cast a veil an evil covering over the nations and it has plagued many lives from generations to generations i pray today that you will be free from such veil and come to realize your covenant rights in Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour.

    He said i am the God of all flesh is there anything to hard for me to do, your prosperity is part of that anything God can do all things He said the Gold and the silver they are mine and the thousand cattles upon the hills they are mine, all you need do is give your life to jesus and serve him as lord and master.

    3 John 2 :Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

    Dear beloved i advice you today to seek for God almighty who has blessed this men, you can not serve the owner of the whole world and be poor, jesus said ask and it will be given to you, pls ask and you will receive .

    Accept Jesus as your lord and saviour today he will not only prosper you but you will be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of his own dear son, you will be free from poverty, sickness,diseases and eternal damnation.

    God bless you.


  46. Make God Guide us ,in this soceity turning to a filed state, highly religious enviroment, and yet Spritual leaders that are to be the voice of the people in the wilderness ,like jeremiah is focused on vanity upon vanity. Obasanjo ,when he was in Villa, once quoted He doesnt understand how a man of God will come to villa and be discussing oil well liscencing. Fela is his songs way back said it all in his songs, they sounded foolish for some of us those days,but thats what is the order of the day. Our men of God should be agent of change, to tke this country to the promise land ,not taking advantage of the psychsocial poverty sticken Nigerians that a desperately seeking for solutins to their , society induced problems. it is only God can judge,however I applaud some that are doing thier best to bring the change .Only time will tell ,the truth will be know by all.

  47. Ayodele Alegbeleye27 March 2013 at 11:35

    Can we stop this condemnation and focus on issues that will empower us?Why dont we find time and sit down with these people and ask them questions like 1. What did they do that made them rich 2. Why are other Pastors/Ministers or individuals not as rich as they are?3. What are they doing that we are not doing?.
    I believe if Aliko Dangote and these pastors acted the way some of us are doing at the moment,they may have ended on the Forbes list of the most poorest persons in the World.
    My appeal to the very rich is to invest in the life and livelihood of the poor by putting up structures and systems that will alleviate poverty. We are all in this together.

  48. How have I pleased God? Lord give me the grace never to betray you.

  49. In all of these exploitation of innocent members, the Pastors and members keep saying that Jesus never suffered, he only suffered on the cross. You will understand their plans when they die, the issue of who takes over is always a problem. God save us!

  50. Make una leave my pastors alone oo abeg. U don't expect a child or lion 2 act like goat noooo, their father is de lion of tribe of juda. So wetin be ur prolbem. So leave dem alone 2 enjoy their father's wealth abeg.



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