
Shell Exposes World's Largest Illegal Oil Refinery In Nigeria

The Nigerian authorities say they are clamping down on the illegal trade in crude oil.  The Nigerian government says it is losing up to $...

The Nigerian authorities say they are clamping down on the illegal trade in crude oil. The Nigerian government says it is losing up to $1bn a month as a result of the theft in the Niger Delta.

Whilst some of the oil is refined locally, much of the stolen crude is taken out on barges to ships waiting off the coast.

But with politicians and the military known to be benefitting from the trade, it seems unlikely that the practice will be be stopped.

 Ebiowei, 48, drags a hose used to help siphon crude oil in an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
A worker at an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
Ebiowei, 48, carries refined oil in buckets at an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
 A man working at an illegal oil refinery site pours oil under a locally made burner to keep the fire going, near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
A worker pours crude oil into a locally made burner using a funnel at an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
A crude oil refinery worker stands in front of a locally made burner in an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
Men work at an illegal oil refinery site near river Nun in Nigeria's oil state of Bayelsa
Shell 2674478899372827741

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  1. I believe it is and run by one of the ruling class in this country.


  3. Na wha o, Anti corruption crusade.

  4. Am an advocate of RESOURCE CONTROL BY THE PEOPLE. D Crude oil belong to d pple of Bayelsa State and Niger Delta. Even in America, D owner of D land is d owner of d resources in it. But Nigeria, Kaduna Mafia Changed d constitution to favour d North who have no crude oil. D largest Oil block was awarded to an Hausa Man, T.Y Danjuma but the Crude oil host community are suffering. Can Shell do this rubish in America and Europe? Government should encorage local content by giving them licence to refine crude oil as small small cottage industry and let the oil corporation give the host community crude oil allocation as feed stock and let Ministry of environment/DPR control d local production. This is the only way that we will not shiphon d crude oil and this will empower the community ecomonically where oil is been drilled. IT IS OUR OIL, NOT SHELL OIL, NOT HAUSA MAN LAND and NOT YORUBA MAN LAND. IF U DON'T LICENCE US, WE WILL TAKE IT BY FORCE. IT IS OUR RIGHT.

    1. Wouldn't it not better if u keep quiet rather than saying all this rubbish an educated who knows the different btw right and wrong won't say this,let us remove all sentiments and support each other to make Nigeria work,not about a region!

  5. Transformation agenda o..!

  6. It is their oil and they cN do whatever tbey want with it. You do not tell man what to do whit his God given talent or possesion. So, the northerners are worst with their terrorism and anarchy.

  7. Truth is only a judge of the lie. The so called environmental degradation called oil spillage in Niger Delta is mostly carried out by indigeins of the area. Only to move a step futher to lie to the whole word that it is d activities of oil companies so unfortunate. God help Nigeria

  8. The truth be told, they provide a suplementary service to the socity at large where government's policies have woefully failed and the avaricious excesses of our leadership fail to cater for the needs of the people at large. Afterall, if the youths were properly educated and gainfully engaged would their minds wander to such a venyure????? It is the unmitigated FAILURE of our leadership and ourselves as a people. Truly a shame.

  9. I think the owner is a real power broker in this govt.

  10. @ anonymous shut up! Go back to history before displaying ur ignorance! Greedy man

  11. May be it is controlled and managed by a Northern Mugu. Hehehe

  12. these pictures are not new. i first saw them at least 3 months ago.

  13. Its so unfortunate what Nigeria & its citizens are becoming...

  14. You are certainly right Anonymous, the Oil belongs to the people but the people in the above pictures are certainly not doing good for themselves because as they are refining it by force and illegally the force of huge inferno can make them unrecognizable, beyond imagination forcefully. Civilized people do not do things forcefully. Who are the Kaduna Mafia(s)? and how on earth is it possible for just a few people to change the constitution's sharing formula to the detriment of others who live in an environment full of spillages to the Mafia's soul interests, please when did that happen?

    T Y Danjuma is not a Hausa Man he's Jukun, please gather your information by thoroughly checking the contents afterwards.
    People like you shouldn't be listened to or given a chance to talk because the kinds of words emitting from your are not good for the unity of Nigeria?

    We should all try to be Nigerians first before we claim our ethnicities, our founding fathers; Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikwe, Sir AHmadu Bello all claimed their regions and not Igbo, Yoruba and/or Hausa so it is our duty now to further unite ourselves.

    M J Aliyu

  15. let's always learn to do the right thing in our own country cos no one would do at for us except we make up our minds as regards what is right or wrong. whether it is your oil or not the paramount thing is that whatever is called illegal remains so.
    let always follow the ht channels in achieving and this country would be a better place for us all. let's stop the segregation and calling of names.

  16. It means that refining crude is simple. So how come our refineries are down. They are doing wat Napoleon couldn't do.

  17. How is this an issue of Northerners?

  18. Hmmmn, dis country don wowo. Bt God dey!

  19. Whoever involved in this kind of things, i doubt it very much that he has concluded that the live is not as important to him, when you get this money how do you enjoy it since you've killed yourself with the exposure to dangerous solvents. This is real ignorant, i don't think is poverty.

  20. As small as Japan is, she has about 27 to 30 refineries, India has about 20 refineries while nigeria with all the population and high cosumption has 3 half functional refineries. I remember in those days when production of local gin(ogogoro) used to be illegal, then it was good business, but now it is legal and it affords another choice for cheap gin. Government should make crude oil refining legal in Nigeria and regulate the quality to boost our economy. It creates employment opportunity for the ex millitants in Niger Delta.

  21. When d north want to cheat d south, it preach unity of d country!

  22. Kudos to shell that fails to clean up its mess in host communities, that would rather bribe chiefs than do what they are supposed to. So the billions lost everday from bunkering is from this shrine of a refinery. Why don't u tell us how much u give to the politicians to look the other way while our land is destroyed. May this oil dry up so we will all rest.

  23. I am so suprise 2 hear this, if refining oil is that simple, y can't we have more than enough refineries working in the country.Let our Gorvernment deregulate oil sector and licence many private organization who are capable to refine oil in the country. Let each State in the Country has @least a refinery.Let end come to contract staff and casual worker in all sectors of the economy...then this country will be a better place for all of us. I am sure that it is not the will of those indulging in illegal dealings to do, it is frustration of the highest order. No fool is not aware of the health hazard inherent in exposure to crude substances...

  24. unity, unity, unity. let's us hold tight to our pride, unity, culture, rich resources, diversity in abundant our rich n refined tradition not to erased it, let us look forward, look up to the branch of the future, in unity, peace, love, above all give worship to our God. but let equity be fair share so conspicuous in everything that United's us.

  25. FG should legalise local rifinary istead of destroying them.

  26. A hungry man is an angry man, an angry man is an aggressive man, an aggressive man is a desperate man and a desperate man can do anything for survival. Tell me which is more devastating to our economy between the one shown to us and the millions of barrels loaded on ships on the high sea on daily basis by the untouchables.

  27. hmmmm. Who snapped dis pictures? When was it taken? How did d person manage to get into d area? I hope dis is not 1 of those ways of making us another direction while it is happening another way. I am doubting the authenticity of d pix. Take a look at the Bola hat worn by Ebiowei and d cloths he is wearing. D hat is very neat..... They must have arranged this in one of the oil spill sites..... These people are up with some nonsense again.


  28. Wonder shall never end, can you steal what is yours? all the millions stolen in Abuja and the agitation of the Senates/Reps for 15M and 12M respective per month is enough provocation for illegal refinery. Plea bargaining here and there.In a nation where an average citizen leave below $2 per day. Is this not call for concern. About 68M adults, able body without job, is it not sick? What is legal or illegal should be debated in Nigeria contest.Lawlessness is in everywhere, Shell should keep quiet and returned to queen's land if they are sick and tired.They are the course of all of these. They empowered the few rich, dance to their tune to oppress the multitude. Nigeria need to unite in arm struggle to wipe away this corrupt politicians. What happened in Ghana during Rawlings time should happen in Nigeria, this place will be a better place after.'Agba, to'gbin ebu-ika ni won......"-Olusiji

  29. Call these people, improve this technology and let them have Made in Nigeria refinary

  30. morayo dele ajueyisile2 July 2013 at 06:24

    GOD HELP NIGERIA,....the revolution will surely come, but of the time or form no man can tell but we all know either consciously or not that it is quite near!

  31. This is not an exposure. Its already known to the powers that be that these wells do exist and their exact locations. We should stop deceiving our selves and be real for once. There is not one loyal person to this country in Aso rock. The oil companies should stop spending money, to secure their pipes when the so called JTF is doing the reverse. Its a matter of who pays the highest bill. How will a revolution come in a country where "'self'" is a very important slogan.
    Naija man dont want to die for anything. We only know how to make noise with our mouths and analyse quite accurately too all that is wrong with this country but nobody ever acts. Please someone should name one criminal in high places that is in jail for anything???????
    Abeg we should just pray and fervently too as we are quit good in that. God will do his will on this client nation for God. We can do nothing but pray.



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