
Opinion - The Benefits Of Dating A Younger Man By Adriana Herdan

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are also no pre-determined parameters of the kind of person you’re meant to be attract...

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are also no pre-determined parameters of the kind of person you’re meant to be attracted to. 
Some girls are attracted to guys with six packs, others like a little bit of belly. Some like them blond some like them tall, dark and handsome and some like a combination of all, some or none of the above.

However, it seems like the latest dating trend has little to do with physical attributes and more to do with age.

 In the olden days it was only acceptable that a girl would date a guy who was older than she was, and if she dared date someone younger she would be shunned from society. Ok, so maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it seems that couples where the girl is older than the guy are becoming both increasingly common and socially acceptable.

This trend started with the desperate housewives known as cougars, who would have affairs with younger men to escape their boredom. But from cougars came pumas who are girls who date younger men, but are not old themselves. In fact most puma girls can be found in the twenty-something demographic.

Now let’s analyze why it’s so great to date a younger guy.

They try harder: They feel so lucky and excited about the fact that they have the chance to be with an older woman that they will try their best to “man up” (pun absolutely intended) and impress their Puma.

They’re more fun: This depends a lot on how much older you are than your guy, but general rule of thumb is that a guy who is three years younger than you will be a lot more fun than one who is three years older than you and is probably in a more advanced stage in his professional life than the younger guy (although this isn’t always the case, a lot of kids get their shit together from a very early age, and a lot of guys just never get their shit together.)

They are very eager to please you: Both in the bedroom and outside, since they are under the illusion (false or real) that you have more experience than they do and have a long trajectory of being wined and dined in really amazing places and a lot of sexual encounters to compare them to. Your younger guy will put a good amount of effort into wooing you with awesome dates and will also have a strong desire to please you and learn from you in the bedroom because he believes that your age equates to you being more knowledgeable than he is.

They respect you more: His mom always told him to respect his elders, and this includes the women that he dates as well.

He will be your biggest fan: The fact that you are older subconsciously makes him look up to you. No guy will ever be prouder of your achievements than a younger guy.

They bring out the absolute best in you: Let’s be honest here, a girl will never take a younger guy as seriously as she would an older guy, not at first at least. This gives you an unconscious license to let your guard down and be goofier and more free-spirited than you would normally allow yourself to be with an older guy.

With a youngster you’re not afraid to let him see you at your absolute worst, which means he will see your best side and your worst side and very likely still love you, because he sees you as his trophy (hey man! I’m dating an older chick!).

Believe it or not, in the long run, this will make you happier than you could ever be with a guy you feel you need to impress, which is why it is so great to date a younger man.
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  1. Awwww so sweet...

  2. really sweet and very true

  3. Devilish act.Are you advising married women whose husbands are older to start cheating on their husband?. Don't forget your tradition as a result of civilisation.

  4. Hey onome,are u dat daft???did he say 'married women'??cnt u read???he jst said older women and nt married women.cn u even read???



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