Students Create Anti-Rape Lingerie That Has GPS And Electric Shock

It seems as though the entire world is in the midst of a rape crisis, as the “rape culture” is so widespread, that a woman in India is raped...

It seems as though the entire world is in the midst of a rape crisis, as the “rape culture” is so widespread, that a woman in India is raped every twenty minutes, and we have to debate in this country about whether a woman gives consent when she doesn’t explicitly say no.
It’s come to the point where women in some regions of the world have no choice but to either insert protection from rapists in their vaginas or wear it on their bodies.

Automobile engineering students in India have developed a line of lingerie designed to protect women from rapists, as it can send an electrical charge through the body of the assailant up to 82 times.

 “The lingerie with global positioning system (GPS), global system for mobile communications (GSM) and also pressure sensors, is capable of sending shock waves of 3,800 kV as well as alerts to parents and police,” said Manisha Mohan, co-developer of the innovative product named Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE).

Down the line, they hope to connect SHE with smartphones via Bluetooth and infrared.

Other products have been developed, such as the South African female condom with barbs that hook onto the rapist’s penis after he penetrates the victim.

Once hooked, the teeth inside the condom do not let go of the man’s penis, requiring a surgical procedure to remove it. When doctors are set to remove it, they call authorities to inform them they have a rape suspect. It’s like a bear trap for rapists.

“She looked at me and said, ‘If only I had teeth down there,’” said Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, innovator of the barbed female condom, thinking back to a conversation she had with a rape victim when she was a 20-year-old medical researcher at the time. “I promised her I’d do something to help people like her one day.”

Decades later, the Rape-aXe was born, providing women with last-resort protection from rapists.

While these products are currently essential for women in parts of the world, we need to change the culture and educate people to the point where they aren’t. Rape, under any circumstances, is one of the most despicable and deplorable offenses any human being can commit. There truly are no words for someone who would sexually engage someone without the person’s consent.

In America, the sympathy the Steubenville rapists received from the media was sickening. They focused on the teenage boys’ promising football careers being ruined, rather than the poor teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by multiple people while passed out, only to wake up naked and sore in an unfamiliar home.

To victimize the boys who put themselves in the situation by committing a heinous crime is absurd. The sad thing is, it’s become the norm. The culture of rape has shifted the blame to the victim rather than the perpetrator, causing an added sense of shame and guilt for the victim, feelings she has no business feeling.

With the ineptitude of politicians who think a woman’s body can shut down and prevent a pregnancy if a “legitimate rape” occurs, it comes as no surprise that such a culture exists. How are people supposed to educate themselves on rape when the people in charge don’t have the slightest clue about what it entails?

The main issue is the lack of education on the subject. No, it’s not okay if she doesn’t explicitly give consent. No, being wasted is not an excuse. These are mothers, sisters and daughters. There is not a single, solitary situation in which committing sexual assault is an acceptable action. It is an act so reprehensible, that it ruins the lives of all involved.

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  1. Would this work in nigeria for the aimed purpose at all?

  2. Funny, how will the female wear the condom when she wants to get "raped"?



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