Recent Study Reveals That 54% Percent Of Americans Have Had Sex With A Co-Worker
One of the biggest office faux pas is hooking up with a co-worker. On very rare occasions an inter-office relationship can work out, but mor...
One of the biggest office faux pas is hooking up with a co-worker. On very rare occasions an inter-office relationship can work out, but more often than not, an office hook up does not and you’re forced to face your past on a daily basis.
Most companies with a human resource office completely discourage, even forbid, inter-office relationships for this exact reason but the majority of us obviously never listen.
According to a Business Insider survey of 2,500 employed Americans, 54 percent have had sex with a co-worker.
In addition to that, 84 percent of respondents claimed that they think they should be able to have sex with a work colleague. 64 percent of those surveyed also admitted that they’ve at east tried to hook up with a co-worker.
Interestingly enough, the more work-related website Glassdoor reported that only 12 percent of employees admitted to sleeping with a co-worker. Hmm, either Glassdoor survey responders are lying or they’re simply interviewing the wrong people.
If you really think about it, the work place is the most ideal place to meet a suitor. You spend the majority of your time at work (if you work a steady 9-5 job), so it’s only natural to pursue relationships with co-workers. Where else could you have constant access to the opposite sex?
Of course, there are potential harmful side effects to sleeping with a co-worker, so if you ever plan on pursuing this type of relationship, be sure to do so with caution and locked lips.
Most companies with a human resource office completely discourage, even forbid, inter-office relationships for this exact reason but the majority of us obviously never listen.
According to a Business Insider survey of 2,500 employed Americans, 54 percent have had sex with a co-worker.
In addition to that, 84 percent of respondents claimed that they think they should be able to have sex with a work colleague. 64 percent of those surveyed also admitted that they’ve at east tried to hook up with a co-worker.
Interestingly enough, the more work-related website Glassdoor reported that only 12 percent of employees admitted to sleeping with a co-worker. Hmm, either Glassdoor survey responders are lying or they’re simply interviewing the wrong people.
If you really think about it, the work place is the most ideal place to meet a suitor. You spend the majority of your time at work (if you work a steady 9-5 job), so it’s only natural to pursue relationships with co-workers. Where else could you have constant access to the opposite sex?
Of course, there are potential harmful side effects to sleeping with a co-worker, so if you ever plan on pursuing this type of relationship, be sure to do so with caution and locked lips.