
Pope Francis Admits He Never Wanted To Become Pope In The First Place

Continuing his tradition of all-around earthiness, Pope Francis revealed Friday that he “didn’t want to be pope.”  He made the remark dur...

Continuing his tradition of all-around earthiness, Pope Francis revealed Friday that he “didn’t want to be pope.” 
He made the remark during an off-the-cuff chat with children from Jesuit schools across Italy and Albania, during which he abandoned his scripted remarks and told the kids to ask him whatever they wanted.

When a little girl named Teresa asked him point-blank if he’d wanted his current job, he joked that only someone who hated himself would want to be pope.

He also chuckled about living in an unassuming suite at the Vatican hotel instead of the Apostolic Palace for “psychiatric reasons,” saying he wanted to avoid becoming isolated. We heart you, Francis.

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