
US President Obama And Bill Clinton Forge Secret Deal To Back Hillary In 2016 Elections?

The New York Post is reporting that according to several campaign sources, President Obama made a deal to support Hillary Clinton when she r...

The New York Post is reporting that according to several campaign sources, President Obama made a deal to support Hillary Clinton when she runs for president in 2016 in exchange for the support he received from her husband in 2012.
Bill Clinton apparently urged Hillary to challenge Obama for the democratic nomination a year before the last election. 

He didn’t think Obama knew what he was doing and was surprised by the lack of advice he sought from the former president.

“I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama,” Bill reportedly said. “I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever. Obama doesn’t know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!”

Obama wasn’t even interested in letting Bill Clinton speak at the democratic national convention that year for the fear of Clinton upstaging him.

But then chief political strategist David Axelrod convinced Obama that a partnership with Bill would only help his efforts to reclaim his seat in the White House.

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama struck a deal: Clinton would give a lengthy, charismatic speech at the convention and support everything Obama did and Obama would endorse Hillary as his successor.

Obama was re-elected and once Hillary announces her candidacy for the 2016 race, we can expect Obama to be for Hillary what Bill Clinton was for him.

Yet we all know that Clinton’s approval rating is way higher than Obama’s. Let’s hope the democratic party has another trick up its sleeve to gain support since Obama won’t have anywhere near as much of an influence on the public as Bill Clinton did in 2012.
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