
Nigerian Prophet T. B. Joshua Warns President Barack Obama About Going To War In Syria

A Nigerian Christian minister, televangelist and faith healer T. B. Joshua on September 1, 2013, Sunday, warned US President Obama on the po...

A Nigerian Christian minister, televangelist and faith healer T. B. Joshua on September 1, 2013, Sunday, warned US President Obama on the possible strike on Syria.
The Prophet said that ‘If the world goes to war in Syria, it will not stop there. It will affect all its neighbours. There will be no peace in that region for years.’

T. B. Joshua also added: “We should appeal to the Arab League to come together and talk to our brother.” God Almighty continues to speak through His servants, the prophets.

The Prophet gave words of prophecy concerning the pending war on Syria. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” 

We thank God for the prophetic warning and the instruction in righteousness and wisdom to handle such a situation. We pray that those involved will hear the voice of God and heed the warning.
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  1. Prophet T.B! We are not asking Obama to go to war against Syria;but to bring the culprits to book.

    We see rebel activities on the increase globally ,am scared the doers will still use such deadly banned weapon again if not punished.

    Meanwhile the ball is before the UN who should say the truth who kill 1,400 citizen of Syrians not even armies or rebel ;but innocent children/citizen.

    As we are praying for peace in Syria ,we should also pray for the culprits to be brought to book-so there will be no future re-occurrence.

  2. It should be unthinkable seeing a conventional Amy using chemical weapon on Rebels, not even an ordinary Rebels but their own people.

    We should think twice and reason with Russian president.

  3. Rebels are capable using the chemicals too. The people who used it should be brought to justice.

  4. The US government is at it again. I don't expect it to be strange anymore to anyone, that the US is actually responsible for the gassing of those innocent Syrians. They have done it before, and they are still doing it. It never gets old to them. Infact, each US president has vowed to commit this merciless act of treacherous act, at least once, during their tenure. Why? Blood sacrifice to appease the evil god they worship in their secret societies, and their gruesome cravings for international indomitable power!
    Take the scary walk down the history of these evil leaders and have a revelation. Those bombings, Tsunamis, natural disasters, international conflicts, wars, international genocides, terrorisms, name them. Have a rethink, people. The US government (often times in collaboration of the British), are worshipers of evil forces.
    The US government was uncomfortable of the fact that Syria has grown in their defense arm an d they cannot be easily pushed round by them. They have a great hunch that the Syrians are equipped with chemical weapons, yet they cannot walk to the Syrian government to check it out. What did they do? As usual, strategize. They used their secret agents in Syria to gas Syrians. They were then quick to use their media arm to take pictures and recordings of the poor dying people, and then spread it to the world so fast. The next thing we know, they are blaming Assad, the Syrian president, with no evidence. Imagine! When Assad denied being behind it, the Obama's government was quick to ask, "Prove you are not the one and tell us if you are nursing chemical weapons or not?" CRAZY!
    It is no news that the US government also houses chemical weapons too. Who probes them? Now they want to use this evil genocide of theirs as an opportunity to delve and barge forcefully into Syria and completely disorganize, ransack and forever preside over them. More sacrifice. Blood and lives. That's what they feed on. Obama and other political juggernauts who are members of the Illuminati and other various secret societies! Let them keep serving the Devil, but the children of God will always have the last laugh.




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