
Islamist group, Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for Kenya attack

The radical Islamist group of Al- Shabaab on Monday claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on the Kenyan coastal town of Mpeketoni...

The radical Islamist group of Al- Shabaab on Monday claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on the Kenyan coastal town of Mpeketoni that left dozens killed or injured, pro-militant media reported.

Nearly 48 were killed after more than 50 gunmen attacked people in bars and cafes watching FIFA world cup in the busy town.

Website Somalimemo reported that the radical group said it was behind the attack in retaliation of Muslims it claimed were killed by Kenya security forces in the coastal city of Mombasa.

“The Al-Shabaab Muhajideen Movement said the attack was avenging for Muslim clerics massacred in Mombasa by Kenyan security forces,” said the pro-militant Somali website quoting Al- Shabaab officials.

The group reportedly warned Kenya, which has troops serving in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and called for it to withdraw its troops.

“Do not ever dream of living peacefully in your lands while your forces kill the innocent in our lands” Al-Shabaab said in the statement quoted by the radical Islamist media in Somalia.

Kenyan troops are currently deployed in southern Somalia where they deposed militants from power.

The Somali-based radical group of Al-Shabaab opposes the foreign forces presence in Somalia and vowed to avenge African states that contributed forces to the AU mission.

The Al-Qaeda linked fighters have also attacked a restaurant in Djibouti, a country that has also sent troops to the horn of Africa nation.

Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone have also sent forces to Somalia where an internationally recognized government is struggling to establish its authority.
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