
Man fined for hunting on Mugabe land

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's neighbour has been fined for letting his dogs hunt on the leader's property, a state...

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's neighbour has been fined for letting his dogs hunt on the leader's property, a state-owned newspaper reports. 

A court ordered Michael Pazarangu to pay $50 (£30) or spend 30 days in jail, The Herald newspaper reports.

He was accused of letting his "unmuzzled ferocious dogs roam freely" on the president's private property in the capital, Harare.

Mr Mugabe, 90, has been in power since Zimbabwe became independent in 1980.

He was re-elected president last year, defeating his long-standing rival Morgan Tsvangirai.
Mr Pazarangu changed his initial plea of not guilty and admitted the offence, The Herald reports.
"This matter has attracted a lot of publicity and has negatively affected me and my family," Mr Pazarangu is quoted as saying.

The court heard that his dogs had killed a deer in May 2013 on Mr Mugabe's property in Harare's upmarket Borrowdale suburb.

The dogs were said to have entered through an opening in the fence separating the two properties.

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