
2 Nigerians arrested with cocaine in their stomachs in Cambodian airport

Two Nigerian men, Anthony Okafor Ifeanyi, 36, and Paschal Adibe, 35, could face as long as 25 years in prison if they are found guilty by ...

Two Nigerian men, Anthony Okafor Ifeanyi, 36, and Paschal Adibe, 35, could face as long as 25 years in prison if they are found guilty by Cambodian authorities after they were arrested with cocaine they had swallowed and sneaked them into the Kingdom from the United Arab Emirates, the official police website, www.police.gov.kh.

The Nigerian suspects, Anthony Okafor and Paschal Adibe with officers

According to the site, Ifeanyi and Adibe were arrested on arrival at the airport and after scans discovered that they had ingested the drugs into the country, they were made to defecate 252.11 grammes of the

The two suspects had allegedly swallowed a combined 70 wraps of the cocaine and were even lucky the drugs did not burst while in their stomachs as that would be instant death.

The police also say that a total of 38 Nigerians are currently languishing in their jails for drug offences.
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