
Former Big Brother Africa Housemate 'Evelyn Eveva Sitali' is Dead

Former Big Brother Africa Housemate 'Evelyn Eveva Sitali' is Dead

Former Big Brother Africa Housemate 'Evelyn Eveva Sitali' is Dead

Her death was announced via her official Facebook page. The post read, "Its sad to inform you all of the passing away of Eveva Sitali. She had an accident in 2014 and had undergone many operations on her leg but the last operation she had on Saturday 7th May was unsuccessful and she passed on the 10 of May at Levy Mwanawasa hospital...M.H.S.R.I.P"

Eveva, originally from Lusaka, Zambia was one of the fake housemates in season 8-The Chase, who were brought in to shake up the house.
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