
'I poisoned my co-wife's baby son because I cannot have mine' - Suspect

A jealous woman who poisoned her co-wife's new born baby in Kopa Village, Niger State, Nigeria, Bilkisu Adamu Isah, has confessed to t...

A jealous woman who poisoned her co-wife's new born baby in Kopa Village, Niger State, Nigeria, Bilkisu Adamu Isah, has confessed to the police that she got angry after her rival gave birth to the baby boy when she has not been able to achieve that feat.

According to reports, the 25-year-old woman was arrested for feeding the new baby with a powerful insecticide known as Sniper shortly after her senior wife, Suwebatu, gave birth to the baby.

It was gathered that after Suwebatu gave birth to the baby boy at about 5am on the fateful morning, Bilkisu was allegedly left alone to look after the boy while the mother went to have her bath.

Immediately the mother was out of the room, Bilkisu brought out the bottle of the poisonous substance and poured some quantity into the infant's mouth.

When the baby started crying and foaming in the mouth, Bilkisu allegedly raised an alarm which brought members of the family to see the cause of her shouts.

The infant was rushed to the General Hospital in Minna, the state capital, where it was discovered that he had been fed with poison as doctors managed to pump the substance out of his system.

The suspect later Bilkisu, a mother of two daughters, later confessed that she poisoned the child with a view to killing him due to her inability to give birth to a male child for her husband.

She was promptly handed over to the police at the homicide section of the State Criminals Investigation and Intelligent Department (SCIID).
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