
Nigeria Players' Union kick against LMC's decision on Giwa FC players

The National Association Nigeria Professional Footballers have kicked against an order that players of Giwa FC on loan to various club...

The National Association Nigeria Professional Footballers have kicked against an order that players of Giwa FC on loan to various clubs should no longer be used, saying this is discriminatory and against the rules of both FIFA and the league.

The union argued that stopping the players from being part of the league will impact negatively on their means of livelihood especially in a matter they did not cause.

“The LMC decision to exclude players procured on the expulsion of Giwa FC, from playing for their new clubs, while the league continues without them is in itself highly discriminatory and a flagrant breach of both FIFA statute and its own NPFL Framework. ( See Article 3,4, 14 (i) 15 (c & e) and 4 of the FIFA Statute and The Preamble to the NPFL frame work 2016),” read the statement signed by the union’s legal adviser Malachy Ugwuanyi.

“The exclusion of these players from playing matches would bear negatively on their livelihood, as most of them will not be paid, and are technically rendered club less by this directive.

“Whatever events that led to this “policy summersault” was never the fault of these players, since their contract with Giwa FC became “RES EXTINTA”.

The players union therefore demanded, among other things, that the LMC should order the clubs to continue to pay the affected players and officials or take up such responsibility as the interest of the players should always be paramount in any decision.

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