
VIDEO: US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Apologizes For Harsh Words

US Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump on Thursday night at a campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, apologized for not ...

US Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump on Thursday night at a campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, apologized for not always using the right words.

He admitted that he had said things in the past in the heat of the moment which he regrets and that he's sorry, but that he always says the truth.
"Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues,"
He added: "But one thing I can promise you is this: I will always tell you the truth."

Trump's public expression of regret comes after his decision earlier this week to shake up his campaign leadership, installing a new campaign Ceo and a new campaign manager, so maybe this is the new strategy employed by his campaign team.

Trump's new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, suggested in her first days on the job that she favored this newstrategy, but that she would also seek to "sharpen" Trump's campaign message with scripted speeches like Trump delivered on Thursday.
"We're going to make sure Donald Trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he doesn't lose that authenticity that you simply can't buy and a pollster can't give you. And voters know if you're comfortable in your own skin," she told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day" Thursday morning.

"And let him be him in this sense: He wants to deliver the speech, if he wants to go to a rally, if he wants to connect with the crowd in a way that's very spontaneous, that's wonderful. And that's how he got here," Conway continued, adding,
"But at the same time, we have some really serious, pressing problems in this country that I'm hoping will start to be addressed more by the media."

As you know I am not a politician,” he added, to initial cheers. “I have never wanted to learn the language of the insiders, and I’ve never been politically correct – it takes far too much time, and can often make it more difficult to achieve total victory.”

Back in May, Trump said he didn't regret things he said or did.

“I like not to regret anything,” Trump told radio host Don Imus in May after controversy over comments that questioned senator John McCain’s war record. “You do things and you say things. And what I said, frankly, is what I said.”

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