
Meet Ghana's new President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

An accomplished lawyer, he has previously served as Attorney-General and as Foreign Minister. 

An accomplished lawyer, he has previously served as Attorney-General and as Foreign Minister. 

He is a founding member of the NPP and was at the forefront of the long and hard struggle against military dictatorship and towards democratisation in Ghana. 

His vision is to create a modern society, by transforming the Ghanaian economy, deepening the democratic culture and leading Ghana to participate fully in the project of regional and continental unity. 

He believes in Ghana and believes that the destiny of Ghanaians is intimately linked to the realisation of Africa's political and economic integration.

Today, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo begins a four-year journey to transform Ghana as he takes over the leadership of the country as President.

But the road to the highest office of the land has not been a smooth one for the country's former Attorney General.

On two occasions, he has failed to win the presidential primaries of the NPP.

On two more occasions (2008 and 2012), he again failed in an attempt at becoming president albeit there was controversy as to whether he actually lost the 2012 elections.

The situation prompted a court action by Nana Akufo-Addo. But the highest court of the land - the Supreme Court, upheld the verdict by the Electoral Commission that named John Dramani Mahama the duly elected president in that election.

A few years down the line and Nana Akufo-Addo stands as the country's next president after beating the NDC's John Dramani Mahama in the 2016 polls.

He assumes the seat of government as the fifth President of the Fourth Republic. 

Watch a documentary of Ghana's new President, Nana Akufo-Addo, put together by JoyNews.

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