I’m overwhelmed —Popular Nigerian Blogger Linda Ikeji •Fans comment On Her Google Ordeal
As the month of October evolved, Nigeria’s controversial blogger, Linda Ikeji has been embattled by various writers and journalists on the i...
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Nulla facilisi. Vivamus id eros sit amet lorem condimentum ultrices. Phasellus imperdiet, magna at sodales dictum, nibh mauris tempor nulla, in consequat est purus eget.
As the month of October evolved, Nigeria’s controversial blogger, Linda Ikeji has been embattled by various writers and journalists on the i...
Popular blogger Linda Ikeji has just taken to Twitter to announce the restoration of her hitherto suspended blog, lindaikeji.blogspot.com. ...
Shortly after exporting her blog's content to Lindaikejionline.com, Linda Ikeji posted a remarkably long tale in which she revealed that...
Over the weekend, Linda Ikeji was accused by a number of people of constantly plagiarizing and lifting articles from websites without giving...
A visit to Linda Ikeji's blog on www.lindaikeji.blogspot.com reveals the screen below. We reported earlier that Linda Ikeji...
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